
u$aar v3.0

sandra araújo

Medium: Animation and Collage
Issues: Data, Power, and Social Media

Project Links


u$aar v3.0 is an animation that draws its inspiration from social media platforms. It uses stealᵀᴴ analytics & algorithmic lifestyleᵀᴹ in gifs̸ loops to represent how data is shaping & twisting social / political events < memetic media coverage >.


sandra araújo is a < ηoη-biηaґy / geηdeґqueeґ > digital artist that spends endless hours shooting at monsters & strolling through mazes. So, it only felt natural for her to evolve through an experimental & explorative process of gaming visual culture & popular gif files. She also feeds on social media platforms to engage her animations into the depths of gameplay plots. She still plays old video games and takes inspiration from computer games like DOOM to explore visual culture in her animations. araújo is based in Lisbon, Portugal, and is a Multimedia Art – Interactive Art graduate student at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon.