
Open Sorcery Poetry (OSP)

Diane Ludin, Francesca da Rimini, and Agnese Trocchi

Medium: EtherPad, Open Source, Podcast, and Text
Issues: Collaboration, Narratives, Participation, and Poetry

Project Links


We are losers, misfits, we trip in codes and appropriate technologies. We are three women living in three continents—Europe, North America, Australia. Since the 1990s we love to interweave our playing using various Internet protocols. Today we refuse the dictatorship of social networks. We don’t adapt to the Megamachine gears. We don’t believe the rhetoric of gamified social platforms. We resist leaving the fragments of our electric bodies in the networks of domination (Facebook Inc., Google, etc). Instead, we are forever in search of the liminal and the spaces between the singularities that patriarchy and capitalism define and operate under.

Open Sorcery Poetry (OSP) is a multilingual battle-cry, a series of generative poems created with known accomplices, deep aliases and passing strangers. We gather feeds in the free software drift zones. These ‘anchors for listening’, hexes against Power, can be hacked, weaponized, remixed, and recast. The method is the content, so we are making new worlds using F/LOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software): online editor Etherpad for a/synchronous writing, Nextcloud for sharing and synchronizing folders, Audacity to create podcasts. We tangle our words and share our poetry and audio recordings.

Join us in the Etherpad to create new poems, spellcasting with us. It’s a convivial experience that we are after. Poems will emerge and dissolve. This is a challenge, as the Etherpad will be open like a naked body, but it is also a calculated risk.

Will you play with us?


Diane Ludin (New York, U.S.A.) is an artist and writer. Her projects include internet-based collage, installations, and performances that explore ideas of media representation as information. She has presented her work in the US, Europe and Australia (ISEA 2010/2006/2004, File Sao Paulo – Brazil, Ars Electronica 2002) to mention a few of the venues.

Francesca da Rimini (Adelaide, Australia) is an artist and writer. As co-founder of cyberfeminist group VNS Matrix (https://vnsmatrix.net), she contributes to critiques of gender and technology. Her award-winning “dollspace” deployed the ghost girl doll yoko to lure web wanderers into a pond of dead girls. More recent commissioned collaborations including songs for skinwalking the drone, hexing the alien, lips becoming beaks, and tender alembicians suite combine rule-driven poetry, fugue states, stones and spells as speculative hexes against Capital.

Agnese Trocchi (Rome, Italy) is a writer, artist and videomaker. She co-founded the interdisciplinary research group C.I.R.C.E. (Centre International de Recherche pour la Convivialité Electrique) to promote a self-aware approach to technology and social networks using the hacker pedagogy method.


identity_runners is the transcontinental art group formed in 1998 and includes the artists Diane Ludin (New York); Agnese Trocchi (Rome); and Francesca da Rimini (Adelaide). These three women have gathered their feeds and generated personas (Discordia, Ephemera & Liquid_Nation) to manifest through videos (Exercises in Memory; Blood Network), live sets (Maids in Cyberspace, Montreal; TILT, Sydney), databases, hacks, publications (Hard Code; Cyberfem Spirit – Spirit of Data; Cyberfeminism: Next Protocols), residencies (World Trade Centre, NYC; Media Art Projects, London) and collaborations with sound artists, hacktivists, writers and software designers.